VetStem Cellular Therapy Solutions

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VetStem Cellular Therapy Solutions

Stem Cell Treatment Consultancy

  • What is Stem Cell?
  • Stem cells are cells that can multiply unlimitedly, renew themselves and transform into other cells. They are preferred in regenerative medicine applications because they can be repaired when administered to damaged tissue and can be effectively transplanted to recipients.

  • How does it work?
  • Molecular mechanisms come into play as a result of messages sent to the parts of the body where stem cells are located. Thus, stem cells migrate to the damaged tissue and play a role in the regeneration of all diseased or damaged tissues and organs.

  • Usage areas
  • Oral and Dental Diseases, Bacterial Diseases, Brain and Nerve Diseases, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Digestive System Diseases, Eye Diseases, Immune Mediated Diseases, Heart Diseases, Musculoskeletal System, Neuromuscular Diseases, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Viral Diseases


Stem Cell Therapy in Veterinary Medicine

We offer stem cell production and stem cell treatment consultancy for use in veterinary medicine.


Uses of Stem Cell Therapy

Oral and Dental Diseases, Bacterial Diseases, Brain and Nerve Diseases, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Digestive System Diseases, Eye Diseases, Immune Mediated Diseases, Heart Diseases, Musculoskeletal System, Neuromuscular Diseases, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Viral Diseases